The Spot
33 Irwin Rd
Salem NY 12834
In the Fall of 2015 Eastbound Jesus and the Irwin brothers got together to check out their property and talk about throwing a music festival. As soon as we had finished the tour we new this was truly an amazing spot for a music festival. That winter we decided to go for it and we booked the bands and began building the stage that summer. Two short months later we had a finished stage and put on the 2016 Eastbound Throwdown!
Summer of 2016 when we built the Throwdown Stage
We new this had to be the spot of the stage as this great hill in front of us created a perfect amphitheater for the crowd to watch the bands.
Many hands make light work. We had a great crew to help build the stage.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Eastbound Throwdown please feel free to contact us!